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Why offer wim in the workplace?


Are you looking to add something exciting, challenging and life changing to your company wellness program?

If so check out Saltpaths unique blend of Life Coaching and Wim Hof Method Workshops. We neatly stitch all the amazing scientifically proven health benefits of the Wim Hof method with goal setting, transactional analysis, team communication exercises and new awareness skills all wrapped in a 4 hour workshop and capped with a huge boost in confidence as your team completes the (optional) ice bath challenge.

A study by RMIT University in 2015 in which over 3000 people took part showed a reduction of 29% in sickness absence from employees that underwent a simple cold shower routine.

These workshops are ready to go and fully mobile providing you have the space, if not you're welcome to come to us or we can arrange a local venue to suit.

Please get in touch if you'd like to learn more about how these unique workshops can improve the mental and physical well being of your team.

The method is a natural way to:

Improve sleep
Improve Cardiovascular system
Optimize breathing
Alleviate depression and fatigue
Improve mental wellbeing
Build stress resilience
Boost energy
Increase will power
Reduce anxiety
Boost confidence
Improve focus


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